A great beginner wave is located at Cerritos, just one bay south and about a 10-minute drive. It is a sandy bottom beach break and your instructors are locals who know the area well and will make sure you are safe and having a blast while learning. A more advanced wave is found walking distance from the resort – the world class San Pedrito point break.
Check current Baja, Mexico surfing conditions:
- Masic seaweed
- Swell Watch
It's ok to be a beginner; everyone was at one time. Follow the rules, be considerate, stay out of the way, and you'll be fine. Stay closer to the beach where the white wash is, rather than out where the experienced surfers are. If you can't control your board, you'll be a danger to yourself and others. Know your limitations. If you can't tread water for five minutes or swim at least 100 yards, think twice about surfing; you need to be able to make it back to shore safely if your board is carried away. If you're in an unfamiliar area, ask someone local about what to expect. Always surf with a buddy. Be aware-always check in front of you and behind you for other surfers, swimmers, and fishing boats. Wear a good waterproof sunblock, a rashguard, and board shorts.