about sayulita
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Via Yoga is located in Sayulita, Mexico, one of the best-kept secret beach hamlets along Mexico's Pacific Coast. A quaint fishing village dotted with charming restaurants, shops and taquerias, Sayulita also features some of Mexico's best surfing with year round water temperature of 80°. Both beginners and advanced surfers will be thrilled by its excellent surf break.

An easy 45 minutes from Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita is a place unto itself, with vast unspoiled beaches, lush verdant jungle, and friendly locals ready to share a real Mexican experience.

You will find incredible shopping and restaurants throughout the town.  Also, the constant activity of fishing boats and bird life make it a pleasant place to be. There are other nearby beaches more absent of tourists and worth discovering as well. The nearest is La Playa de Los Muertos which is near the hotel where Via Yoga guests stay.

Hospital/First Aid: Sayulita has a health clinic when you first enter the village on the main road to your left. It is a gray and blue colored building, which says SALUD on the front. The hours are flexible so it is best get there in the mornings. There are also two pharmacies located in Sayulita. San Francisco (San Pancho) four miles north of Sayulita, has a basic yet functional hospital. AmeriMed and San Javier Hospital in PV are highly recommended for serious incidents.

Post Office : There is no post office in Sayulita. The closest is in La Peñita and there is also one in Bucerias, the PV airport and two in Puerto Vallarta.

Groceries: If you want to cook in your villa (most all rooms are equipped with their own kitchenette), basic staples are available in the village. There are a number of small grocery stores in town, some offering better produce than others. It is worth a stroll through town to see what is fresh that day.

Internet:  Internet service and laptop hookup is available at variety of locations in Sayulita. Standard rates are about $20 pesos (or $2 usd) per hour. Villa Amor also has wi-fi access out front the hotel lobby.

Phones:  Payphones were installed in Sayulita in 2003 and use phone cards that can be purchased in most of the stores in $30, $50, or $100 peso values. Calls to the USA or Canada from Sayulita are $5 pesos/minute cards.  Phone cards sold in the US and Canada don’t always work in Mexico!

Cell Phone:  You will need to special order international ( Mexico) service for a USA/Canada cell phone before arriving in Sayulita Mexico. For the best (and sometimes only) cell phone reception in Sayulita, walk out onto the beach right in front of town. The hilltops around Sayulita usually get a better signal as well.


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