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questions & answers


What type of yoga experience is required?


 All levels are welcome, including beginners. Classes are structured to accommodate various levels of experience at all times.
Please note: certain weeks are designed to offer different yoga styles for varying
levels of experience. Review weekly descriptions in the Dates section for more information.


What style of yoga will be offered?

A. Via Yoga offers a wide range of yoga styles, weeks will vary in theme and intensity. Please refer to our Dates section under themes for more detailed descriptions.
Q. Do I need to bring a yoga mat and/or other props?
A. No. Mats and props are provided by Via Yoga. You are welcome to bring your own mat if you prefer.
Q. Is it okay to come alone?
A. Yes! Your Via Yoga experience is group-oriented, so there will be plenty of time
to meet people and make new friends. Sayulita is a safe and friendly town in which
to enjoy your alone-time, too.
Q. What official documentation is needed to get into Mexico?

As of January 1, 2007 all U.S. citizens need a valid U.S. passport to travel in and out of the U.S. Your passport MUST have at least 6 months remaining before expiration to be considered valid. Please check with your airline or travel agent if you have additional questions regarding necessary documentation both for you and for minors. These requirements can change without notice.

Q. Do I need to bring additional money?
A. Yes, you will need money (pesos) for lunches and three dinners. There are wonderful restaurants in Sayulita and meals range from 5 to 15 dollars (US). There is also great shopping, spa services, horseback riding, and other activities offered throughout the village. Please note: There is one ATM machine but there are no banks in Sayulita. We recommend exchanging currency before arriving in Mexico or at the airport in Puerto Vallarta.
Q. What should I pack?

Temperatures in Sayulita average in the mid 80’s with pleanty of sunshine, so bring sun protection ie. sun block and hats. For yoga, wear comfortable, form fitting or not too baggy workout wear. Other items to consider packing: comfortable shoes, beach towel, spanish phrase book, alarm clock.

Q. Is there a safe for my valuables?

We recommend that you leave jewelry and valuables at home,however, there is a safe at Villa Amor.

Q. What do I need to bring for surf retreats?
A. Pack a 'rash guard' (a close fitting surf shirt worn to protect the torso from abrasion while paddling your board). Booties are fine to bring but not necessary. You are welcome to bring your own surf board if you'd like.
Q. Where do I fly to?



Guests should plan to fly into the Puerto Vallarta International Airport, arriving
between the hours of 1 and 5 pm, PST, on the first day of their vacation. Representatives from Via Yoga will be there to meet guests between these
hours. Please schedule your flight accordingly. Easy directions are will be provided for arrival via bus or taxi if guests arrive outside this time.
*We offer a 10% discount on your airfare when you travel on Alaska Airlines please go to the Sign Me Up/ Policies page for more information


What official documentation is needed to get into Mexico?




As of January 1, 2007 all U.S. citizens need a valid U.S. passport to travel in and out of the U.S. Your passport MUST have at least 6 months remaining before expiration to be considered valid. Please check with your airline or travel agent if you have additional questions regarding necessary documentation both for you and for minors. These requirements can change without notice. For the most up to date information please visit


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